Statistical Tests#

Autoprot Analysis Functions.

@author: Wignand, Julian, Johannes

@documentation: Julian

autoprot.analysis.stat_test.adjust_p(df, p_col, method='fdr_bh')[source]#

Use statsmodels.multitest on dataframes.

Note: when nan in p-value this function will return only nan.

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – Input dataframe.

  • p_col (str) – column containing p-values for correction.

  • method (str, optional) – ‘b’: ‘Bonferroni’, ‘s’: ‘Sidak’, ‘h’: ‘Holm’, ‘hs’: ‘Holm-Sidak’, ‘sh’: ‘Simes-Hochberg’, ‘ho’: ‘Hommel’, ‘fdr_bh’: ‘FDR Benjamini-Hochberg’, ‘fdr_by’: ‘FDR Benjamini-Yekutieli’, ‘fdr_tsbh’: ‘FDR 2-stage Benjamini-Hochberg’, ‘fdr_tsbky’: ‘FDR 2-stage Benjamini-Krieger-Yekutieli’, ‘fdr_gbs’: ‘FDR adaptive Gavrilov-Benjamini-Sarkar’ The default is “fdr_bh”.


df – The input dataframe with adjusted p-values. The dataframe will have a column named “adj.{pCol}”

Return type:



>>> twitchVsmild = ['log2_Ratio H/M normalized BC18_1','log2_Ratio M/L normalized BC18_2',
...                 'log2_Ratio H/M normalized BC18_3',
...                 'log2_Ratio H/L normalized BC36_1','log2_Ratio H/M normalized BC36_2',
...                 'log2_Ratio M/L normalized BC36_2']
>>> prot = pd.read_csv("_static/testdata/", sep='\t', low_memory=False)
>>> protRatio = prot.filter(regex="Ratio .\/. normalized")
>>> protLog = pp.log(prot, protRatio, base=2)
>>> prot_tt = ana.ttest(df=protLog, reps=twitchVsmild, cond="TvM", mean=True, adjust_p_vals=False)
>>> prot_tt_adj = ana.adjust_p(prot_tt, p_col="pValue_TvM")
>>> prot_tt_adj.filter(regex='pValue').head()
   pValue_TvM  adj.pValue_TvM
0         NaN             NaN
1    0.947334        0.966514
2         NaN             NaN
3         NaN             NaN
4    0.031292        0.206977
autoprot.analysis.stat_test.cohen_d(df, group1, group2)[source]#

Calculate Cohen’s d effect size for two groups.

  • df (pd.Dataframe) – Input dataframe.

  • group1 (str) – Colname for group1.

  • group2 (str) – Colname for group2.


df – Input dataframe with a new column “cohenD”.

Return type:



Cohen’s d is defined as the difference between two means divided by a standard deviation for the data. Note that the pooled standard deviation here is calculated differently than originally proposed by Cohen.


[1] Cohen, Jacob (1988). Statistical Power Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences. Routledge. [2]

autoprot.analysis.stat_test.limma(df, reps, cond='', custom_design=None, coef=None, print_r=False)[source]#

Perform moderated ttest as implemented from R LIMMA.

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – Input dataframe.

  • reps (list of lists of str) – Column names of the replicates. Common replicates are grouped together in a single list.

  • cond (str, optional) – Term to append to the newly generated colnames. The default is “”.

  • custom_design (str, optional) – Path to custom design file. The default is None.

  • coef (str, optional) – The coefficients serving as the basis for calculating p-vlaues and fold-changes from the eBayes. Must refer to design matrix colnames. If no custom design is specified the default coeficient is “coef”. Differences are indicated e.g. by “CondA-CondB”. See for details. The default is None.

  • print_r (bool, optional) – Whether to print the R output. The default is False.


df – The input dataframe with additional columns.

Return type:



A custom design matriox has rows corresponding to arrays and columns to coefficients to be estimated can be provided using customDesign. If customDesign is the unit vector meaning that the arrays are treated as replicates. See:


>>> data = pd.DataFrame({"a1":np.random.normal(loc=0, size=4000),
...                      "a2":np.random.normal(loc=0, size=4000),
...                      "a3":np.random.normal(loc=0, size=4000),
...                      "b1":np.random.normal(loc=0.5, size=4000),
...                      "b2":np.random.normal(loc=0.5, size=4000),
...                      "b3":np.random.normal(loc=0.5, size=4000),})
>>> testRes = ana.limma(df=data, reps=[["a1","a2", "a3"],["b1","b2", "b3"]], cond="_test")
>>> testRes["P.Value_test"].hist()
import autoprot.analysis as ana

df = pd.DataFrame({"a1":np.random.normal(loc=0, size=4000),
                   "a2":np.random.normal(loc=0, size=4000),
                   "a3":np.random.normal(loc=0, size=4000),
                   "b1":np.random.normal(loc=0.5, size=4000),
                   "b2":np.random.normal(loc=0.5, size=4000),
                   "b3":np.random.normal(loc=0.5, size=4000),})
testRes = ana.limma(df, reps=[["a1","a2", "a3"],["b1","b2", "b3"]], cond="_test")

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)

autoprot.analysis.stat_test.rank_prod(df, reps, cond='', print_r=False, correct_fc=True)[source]#

Perform RankProd test as in R RankProd package.

At the moment one sample test only. Test for up and downregulated genes separatly therefore returns two p values.

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – Input dataframe.

  • reps (list of lists of str) – Column names of the replicates. Common replicates are grouped together in a single list.

  • cond (str, optional) – Term to append to the newly generated colnames. The default is “”.

  • print_r (bool, optional) – Whether to print the R output. The default is False.

  • correct_fc (bool, optional) – The rankProd package does not calculate fold-changes for rows with missing values (p Values are calculated). If correct_fc is False the original fold changes from rankProd are return, else fold changes are calculated for all values after ignoring NaNs.


df – Input dataframe with additional columns from RankProd.

Return type:



The adjusted p-values returned from the R backend are the percentage of false postives calculated by the rankProd package. This is akin to corrected p values, but care should be taken to name these values accordingly.

autoprot.analysis.stat_test.ttest(df, reps, cond='', return_fc=True, adjust_p_vals=True, alternative='two-sided', logged=True)[source]#

Perform one or two sample ttest.

  • df (pd.DataFrame) – Input dataframe.

  • reps (list of str or list of lists of str) – The replicates to be included in the statistical test. Either a list of the replicates or a list containing two list with the respective replicates.

  • cond (str, optional) – The name of the condition. This is used for naming the returned results. The default is “”.

  • return_fc (bool, optional) – Whether to calculate the fold-change of the provided data. The processing of the fold-change can be controlled by the logged switch. The default is True.

  • adjust_p_vals (bool, optional) – Whether to adjust P-values. The default is True.

  • alternative ({'two-sided', 'less', 'greater'}, optional) –

    Defines the alternative hypothesis. The following options are available (default is ‘two-sided’):

    • ’two-sided’: the mean of the underlying distribution of the sample is different from the given population mean (popmean)

    • ’less’: the mean of the underlying distribution of the sample is less than the given population mean (popmean)

    • ’greater’: the mean of the underlying distribution of the sample is greater than the given population mean (popmean)

  • logged (bool, optional) – Set to True if input values are log-transformed (or VSN normalised). This returns the difference between values as log_fc, otherwise values are log2 transformed to gain log_fc. Default is true.


df – Input dataframe with additional cols.

Return type:



twitchVsmild = ['log2_Ratio H/M normalized BC18_1','log2_Ratio M/L normalized BC18_2',
                'log2_Ratio H/M normalized BC18_3',
                'log2_Ratio H/L normalized BC36_1','log2_Ratio H/M normalized BC36_2',
                'log2_Ratio M/L normalized BC36_2']
prot = pd.read_csv("../data/", sep='\t', low_memory=False)
protRatio = prot.filter(regex="Ratio .\/. normalized").columns
protLog = pp.log(prot, protRatio, base=2)
prot_tt = ana.ttest(df=protLog, reps=twitchVsmild, cond="_TvM", return_fc=True, adjust_p_vals=True)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)

df = pd.DataFrame({"a1":np.random.normal(loc=0, size=4000),
          "a2":np.random.normal(loc=0, size=4000),
          "a3":np.random.normal(loc=0, size=4000),
          "b1":np.random.normal(loc=0.5, size=4000),
          "b2":np.random.normal(loc=0.5, size=4000),
          "b3":np.random.normal(loc=0.5, size=4000),})
ana.ttest(df=df, reps=[["a1","a2", "a3"],["b1","b2", "b3"]])["pValue"].hist(bins=50)

(Source code, png, hires.png, pdf)
